Tuesday, September 1, 2009



This palace is amazing. I've posted a TON of pictures on Facebook, so that's pretty much all you need to know. I'll post a few of my favorites here and explain the palace a bit but overall...wow, you all just need to come to this place to see it.

Here's my take on it and why it's so fabulous:

I've grown up with European castles as the mold for royalty and privilege. I've traveled to Europe since I was a little kid and I've grown up expect European castles to be the mold, the norm. I'm obviously Indian but you don't hear much about Indian palaces until you're older and you learn about it yourself...parts of my family also went so that's how I learned so much about a few palaces...I'm sure I would have learned about them if I went to school in a country that actually taught world history as WORLD history (not the history of the world in it's roots and relations with America)...but I didn't.

Anyways, I've always loved looking at palaces and stuff because of the architecture (if it wasn't for the number's involved, I would have become an architect haha) but this was just awesome. I mean, I've never seen anything like this before. You see the fake versions all over the U.S. but never the detail, the history, the intensity that you get here. TV doesn't do this justice. Pictures don't do this justice. And we didn't even get a tour guide. I can only imagine how awesome that would have been.


Also, the food. We had bibimbap, which is like the staple meal of Korea. Quick, tasty, healthy. I had a spin on it called hwe dup bap, which is essentially raw fish with all the bibimbap fixings. It was delicious. Amazing. Just fresh veggies. They didn't do anything to them. One of the most refreshing, filling, amazing things I've tasted in my life. So nice and spicy too :D

Kimchi Pork Bibimbap
Hwe dup bap, which was my dish. Super good :D Mommy!!! LET'S EAT THIS!!! Daddy's coming to Korea, so I'll take him to eat this hahaha

One last thing to point out: King Sejong, who had this palace built (I think), had the lotus pond and tower built for his wife. How sweet :D And who can forget Shah Jahan and the Taj Mahal? I just say this because I can't remember a specific instance of a king being nice to his wife in Europe and building something awesome for them...any ideas?

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