Friday, August 28, 2009

alone by our lonesome

What. A. Day.

I'm so exhausted bleghhhh.

Started off by going to Tous Les Jours, a French bakery, for breakfast. Ummm...they still hadn't stocked up their place by the time we got there so we awkwardly left. Then we went to Dunkin' Donuts, which was literally two minutes away. That place was open but we still had trouble getting food because we had to use the trays and stuff...oh well :P

Korea is really big on things like that. They're weird to a person like me but this place is so...sanitized. I know that sounds weird but everything has a layer of protection, a layer of clean. Like the subway, the restaurants, even the toilets. This place doesn't feel sterile or weirdly inhuman like Monaco did but it still has that "clean" feeling while also being really...human? I don't know. Maybe it's because there are so many people everywhere that it's strange to see everything be so clean.

Anyway, it was at around this time that Jenny and I noticed something.

Tons of people were staring at us. To me, this is nothing new. I mean, I am brown and I don't think many Korean people have seen such a tall, Indian girl before. But it was a strange feeling because so many people had never stared at us before. We'd gotten a few glances during our other trips out but today? SHOOT, everyone was staring at us...and I don't know if it was necessarily in a good way. Anyway, we just made jokes about it because really, we were the only white and brown girls walking around together that we could see.

We ignored the staring and got off at our university...only we didn't get off at our university. You see, when we had gone to Yonsei before with Gina, we'd decided to get off the bus at the Ewha Women's University stop because it was closer to where we needed to be.

We got lost again.

We got off the bus and were completely confused. The place we'd gotten off at was completely NOT what we were expecting. Again, we were lost UGH...

But this time it wasn't so bad because we could see our destination in the distance and so began to walk through the streets to get there. Along the way, we saw a ton of cool and questionable things, like this club called, "Club Sexy," a bunch of not-so-legit looking shoe stores, and other such areas but it was fun.

We also saw this cute dog and his owner haha.

But the best part of getting lost? The AWESOME graffiti we saw on our way. I have to admit that I stereotyped Korea as a completely non-graffiti culture...uhhh...yeah, that was my epic fail of the century...Anyways, this graffiti...WOW. Super good.

After taking too many pics of the graffiti, we headed to Yonsei, where we saw a funeral procession and then a graduation. It was a good and bad day to go because of the graduation. There were TONS of people there and it was crowded but...shizznit, such a happy day!! And so many pretty clothes!!!

That's another thing...Korean people, in general, are really, really well-dressed. I expected this because Nirav told me that this was a fashion-conscious country but fudgenuts!!!!! Jenny and I constantly find ourselves looking at people's (mostly women's) clothing and saying that it's something ugly and yet, it looks freaking amazing on the person. They're like this clothes with these garishly ugly huge bows or weird scrunches, high necks, and lots of extra fabric. All in all, really unflattering but strangely good-looking on a lot of these people!!!

We also finally ate in a real Korean restaurant, strictly by pointing at the picture on the wall haha. Super good food though. I loved it. I actually didn't know what I had ordered until I asked Jae Hee (my friend from Davis who lives in Seoul during the summer) what it was...The soup was doen jang chigae and it was awweeesssooommmeee :D

After eating, we headed back to the immigration office so I could turn in my form. However, Korea yet again proved its' efficiency by starting off at number 424 when I got there (my number was 578) and reaching me within 3 hours. Craziness.

Ugh, so exhausting. How do people do this everyday?

No pics because they're on Facebook and I'm super tired lol haha

By the way, everyone was staring at us because they thought my lace undershirt was actually my bra...oops. hehehe

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